Harness the Potent Frequencies of Light and Colour
Did you know that colour is quite literally light energy vibrating at different frequencies? Just beyond the red wavelengths our eyes can perceive lies infrared - the warming rays we experience as heat. And just past violet are the ultraviolet frequencies powerful enough to kill even the most virulent “superbugs” like MRSA.
The unseen light energies all around us profoundly influence our physiology, neurology, and state of consciousness in ways modern science is just beginning to understand. Specific wavelengths and colour combinations can either strengthen and vitalise us...or distort our biological frequencies in disruptive ways.
For example, researchers discovered that exposure to a particular shade of pink literally weakens muscular strength and energy levels by up to 35%! Yet other hues and spectrums enhance focus, creativity, healing and harmonise our system with natural cycles.
In fact, light and colour account for a staggering 80% of how we visually interact with and make sense of our world and environment. Our very DNA, neurochemistry, and genetics are synchronised with and regulated by light’s instructions.
So why then do we spend nearly all our time in artificial environments disconnected from nature’s full-spectrum luminance and organic patterns? The discordance between our humanconstructed world and nature’s regenerative frequencies is disrupting our biology, cognitive performance and overall wellbeing.
In my new book “The Light Within Us”, I reveal cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom about harnessing the potent forces of light, colour and biophilic design principles to:
Revitalise your home and workspace with nurturing natural illumination
Align your circadian cycles and physiology with cosmic rhythms
Use colour therapy and light sequences to optimise hormones and neurochemistry
Design enriching environments that amplify creativity and motivation
Experience transcendent states of unity consciousness
Don’t resign yourself to existing in dim, artificially-lit environments that undermine your vitality and potential. Unleash the regenerative power of nature’s luminous frequencies by aligning with light’s archetypal patterns and geometric blueprints of life.